• All these entry-objects pass multiple entries with system generated narration on entering basic information. Entry-object of ‘investment’ passes 6 to 8 logical entries with appropriate narration for the purchase & sell of PSU and GOI Bonds and also generates deal confirmation report.
  • Dispatch through various modes like road transport, railway, air. Sample of Road Transport Details is shown on left. Appropriate accounting entries are passed along with system generated narration with details.
  • Scrutiny requirement of Income Tax dept. can be fulfilled with the press of button as suitable options are provided for regular queries.
  • Provision to enter and tally cash denominations wise.
  • Assets register for movable& immovable assets, shares, dead stock, live-stock assets.
  • Online audit: Auditor can audit soft data online, mark audit queries there itself and user would attend the same which would be available to auditor for rechecking and certifying ok. Entries once certified by auditors cannot be changed without authority. So, that assures sanctity of audited data.

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