Structure of True ERP
  • The true power of ‘True ERP’ is its structure. An entrepreneur having different Business Types (BT1, BT2, BT..) can start his empire with following basic business entities.
    1) Sole Proprietor
    2) Firms
    3) Companies
    4) Trusts
  • These 4 entities constitute the basic horizontals of ANY Business Type in the comprehensive business empire and vertical expansion of any horizontal can be done by adding conceptual and working entities under them.
  • Though, only four horizontals are presently included, any other horizontal entities can also be added as per the requirements of the user.
  • Combination of horizontals and verticals (comprising of conceptual as well as working entities) builds the whole business empire in minutes.
  • ERP Member, the leaf of the business empire tree, is the place where actual business activities are carried out.
  • The structure of ERP member itself can be represented by its departments and thus gives virtual image of the work place.
  • Financial and Inventory reports are consolidated at each level. For example, a multi states organization will have consolidated Balance sheet and P&L with state wise columns and at further level every state will have columns of its centers/ branches / units. Every individual branch can have its own Departments which in turn can have their own respective B/S and P&L and even inventory reports and stock.
  • An individual not carrying out business need not feel as left alone! ‘True’ also provides for personal finance accounting.

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