Stock Market

  • ‘True’ provides for complete quantitative and financial accounting of investment and trading of equity, commodities and forex in cash, futures and options.
  • ‘True’ considers the nature of the client; whether ‘Trader’ or ‘Investor’;and accordingly calculates intra- day, short term and long-term profits for every sale BY FIFO (or LIFO) method and passes accounting entry so as to reflect correctly in P&L A/C.
  • Purchase-sell entries by the software considers brokerage and various statutory charges and broker bill amount is reconciled by ‘True’ entry.
  • Wherever margin is availed by the user, appropriate entry is passed which is then used for calculating and confirming interest charged by the broker.
  • ‘True’ also provides for updating the existing quantity of stocks in case of ‘SPLIT’ or issue of ‘BONUS’ shares. Appropriate entries are passed by the ‘True’ itself.
  • ‘True’ also provides for updating the existing quantity of stocks as well as add new stocks in case of ‘Merger’ and ‘Demerger’ of the company.

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