
The most coveted goal of any business!

  • But it is not an accident! It does not come by fluke!!
    It is the result of conscious efforts in managing the resources from start to end.
  • Conscious efforts do not end only with hard work. It requires the use of appropriate tools to help management people coordinate and control various activities.
  • Resources comprise of men, materials, machines and indispensable, MONEY!
    Managing the resources involves following steps.
    a) Define the goal.
    b) Strategize the requirements of resources to achieve the goal.
    c) Plan in detail to procure the resources.
    d) Define business process at micro level within the department.
    e) Define business process at macro level to co-ordinate various departments      managing different resources.
    f)  Ensure no deviation from standardized business process. This would involve      ‘follow-up’ by seniors and timely updates by juniors.

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